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Station Road, Churchdown
Gloucestershire GL3 2NB

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01452 714178

Churchdown Village Infant School

Welcome to Year One

Kingfishers Class Teacher: Miss Mason

Swans Class Teacher: Mrs Bunnage

Year One Teaching Assistants: Mrs Exelby and Miss Stone. 

Year 1 (ID 1074)


Here are a few things for you to remember:

  • Reading books will be changed throughout the week so please ensure that these are in your child's book bag each day. We now use BoomReader as our reading diaries.
  • PE: Please bring your kit and daps in PE bag. This will be sent home termly. Asthe weather gets colder, the children are welcome to wear joggers and school jumpers.
    Kingfishers - Monday & Thursday
    Swans - Monday & Friday
  • Our day starts at 8:50am when we will open the doors to welcome the children into school and our day finishes at 3:15pm when we will let the children out, ensuring that we have seen the parent or carer for each child.


Learn about life in the classroom

year 1 meet the teacher 2023.pdf

Curriculum Documents

Our curriculum map will provide details about what we are covering in each subject during the course of the terms.

Year 1 Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview 2024Talk for Writing Actions - Year 1

Our Values

  • Autumn - Friendship
  • Spring - Independence
  • Summer - Respect

Class Rules

  • Treat each other nicely
  • Be quiet if someone else is talking
  • Walk sensibly
  • Tuck chairs in
  • Sit nicely
  • Put your hands up
  • Look and listen to the person talking
  • Follow the class rules

Year 1 Class Gallery