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Station Road, Churchdown
Gloucestershire GL3 2NB

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01452 714178

Churchdown Village Infant School

Welcome to Year Two

Barn Owls Class Teacher: Mrs Molyneaux

Puffins Class Teachers: Mrs Otter (Mon-Tues) and Mrs Newman (Wed-Fri)

The Year Two teaching assistants are Miss Owen, Mrs Perks and Mrs Pounder. 

Year 2 (ID 1075)


Here are a few things for you to remember:

  • Reading books will be changed throughout the week so please ensure that these are in your child's book bag each day. We now use BoomReader as our reading diaries.
  • PE: Please bring your kit and daps in PE bag. This will be sent home termly. As the weather gets colder, the children are welcome to wear joggers and school jumpers
    Barn Owls - Wednesday & Friday
    Puffins - Tuesday & Friday 
  • Our day starts at 8:50am when we will open the doors to welcome the children into school and our day finishes at 3:15pm when we will let the children out, ensuring that we have seen the parent or carer for each child.

 Learn about life in the classroom

year 2 meet the teacher 2023.pdf

Curriculum Documents

Our curriculum map will provide details about what we are covering in each subject during the course of the terms.

Year 2 Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview

Talk for Writing Actions - Year 2

Our Values

  • Autumn - Respect & Friendship
  • Spring - Independence
  • Summer - Responsibility

Class Rules

  • Treat each other nicely
  • Be quiet if someone else is talking
  • Walk sensibly
  • Tuck chairs in
  • Sit nicely
  • Put your hands up
  • Look and listen to the person talking
  • Follow the class rules

Year 2 Class Gallery