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Station Road, Churchdown
Gloucestershire GL3 2NB

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01452 714178

Churchdown Village Infant School

Religious Education


At CVIS the intention is that children will gain a firm understanding of what Religious Education (RE) is through knowledge of the Christian faith as well as other world faiths, values and traditions. Our objective at CVIS is to develop diversity and a curiosity for RE, as well as an understanding, an acceptance and importance of all types of RE, and an unbiased respect for the way a person may wish to express their beliefs or traditions. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of RE in their own lives and in the wider community and world. Children are encouraged through meaningful and informative lessons and experiences, to use their RE knowledge to question or support their beliefs and values without the pressure of right or wrong. RE draws on other areas of the curriculum such as PSHE and allows them to apply their learning within these.


The RE curriculum ensures the children learn about their own faiths and values as well as reflecting on the beliefs of others from around the world. This is embedded in classroom activities, assemblies, end of day prayer, Open the Book, performances (Harvest, nativity and Easter), visits to places of worship, RE Enrichment and visitors to the school. The programs of study for RE are taught within lessons allowing the children to build on previous language and knowledge thus preparing them for future stages of learning and their own growing sense of belonging.

EYFS specific

Follow Development Matters Document (2021) and Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE (2017-22). Children start to build up their knowledge of the world around them (both natural and religion) and begin to understand their own and other’s beliefs and begin to get a sense of their own identity within their families and wider community. Children join in a series of lessons and RE enrichment through learning about festivals and celebrations of the Christian faith as well as Muslim, Chinese and other faiths encourage participation and their early questioning.

KS1 specific

Follow the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE (2017-22). Children are able to learn about Christian, Muslim and Jewish beliefs and the beliefs of other faiths from around the world. Class lessons and termly RE Enrichment give the children exposure to the different Christian festivals which occur throughout the year and learn to compare these to festivals celebrated by other faiths. Children learn about the importance of sacred places, important artefacts as well as developing their own and community tolerances for others.


Whilst in school, children have access to a varied programme, which allows them to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon. The integral nature of RE and the learner creates an enormously rich palette from which a child may access fundamental abilities such as: achievement, self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others and self-reflection. RE will also develop an understanding of culture and history, both in relation to children individually and other ethnicities from across the world. Children are able to enjoy RE, in as many ways as they choose and they will have an understanding of how to further develop skills less known to them, should they ever develop an interest in their lives. Throughout their time in school the children will develop a well-rounded view of the world they live in and that diversity is to be celebrated and respected.

Curriculum Documents

RE Overview